Drive Train Components

What composes a bike drivetrain?

Often referred to as the groupset, bicycle drivetrain components are all the pieces of a bike that you would push to create movement. So, that means: 

  • Chainring 
  • Chain
  • Cranks 
  • Pedals 
  • Cassette (also referred to as the cog) 
  • Derailleur 

    How long does a bicycle drivetrain last? 

    Although your chainring might carry you for anything up to 100,000km, the chain itself will likely need replacing somewhere between 3,000 and 6,000km. Expect your cassette to give you 6,000 to 9,000km whilst cranks and pedals should work soundly for years and years! With exception to the jockey, your derailleurs should outlast your legs!  

    What are the signs you need to replace your bike drivetrain components?

    Signs tht any of these parts need replacing are fairly obvious. You will either see, hear and/or feel the signals. Pedalling might become laboured, noises might become increasingly loud and persistent, chain teeth may wear down and changing gears could become a challenge. These are all indications that your bike is trying to tell you something! 

    What can be done to increase the life of bicycle drivetrain components? 

    By their very nature, bicycle drivetrain components experience a lot of wear and tear as a result of constantly grinding on each other. Imagine how many times your feet turn the pedals during the course of even a short ride; that’s a huge amount of work required of these mechanical parts.  Moreover, very fine dirt and dust particles inevitably end up settling into grooves. These factors all contribute to the gradual wearing down of the bike drivetrain components.  The good news, however, is that you can delay this process. Here are some handy tips that will help prolong the life of your bicycle drivetrain components: 

  • Err on the side of caution when lubricating your chain. You might think the more lube the better. However, as counterintuitive as it seems, a slightly drier chain is preferable to one that it too lubricated. Why? Because the more lube, the more effectively your chain can collect bothersome dust and dirt particles that really will wreak havoc on the bike drivetrain components.
  • Wipe the components down after a ride. This really helps to eradicate a lot of those nasty dirt particles. 
  • Use a hose. Don’t be afraid to give your bicycle drivetrain components, and indeed the whole bike, a thorough wash with a forceful hose. We’re not suggesting local fire brigade strength, but don’t be afraid to use some hydro power! 
  • Your chain needs replacing. This will be inevitable, so keep a close eye on your chain. Anywhere from 3,000 to 6,000 of riding kms and it is probably going to have to retire. You can find out for sure by using a chain checker.

    How much does it cost to replace bike drivetrain components? 

    The answer depends very much on the quality of these components, as the price can vary significantly.

    Contact us about drivetrains 

    Whether you’re after more general information or you have a specific question about bike drivetrain components, we’re here to help. Contact our friendly team today and let’s get you moving smoothly!