The Bombers Soar with Science in Sport: A Dynamic Partnership

The Bombers Soar with Science in Sport: A Dynamic Partnership

Essendon Football Club Teams Up with SiS

The Essendon Football Club, affectionately known as the Bombers, is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking 3-year sponsorship partnership with Science in Sport (SiS), a leading brand in sports nutrition. This collaboration marks a significant step in the club's commitment to excellence, both on and off the field.

SiS: Pioneers in Sports Nutrition

A Legacy of Excellence

  • Trusted Expertise: With about 30 years of experience, SiS specialises in energy, hydration, recovery, and muscle rebuilding products, catering to the rigorous demands of professional sports.

  • Global Recognition: SiS's reputation is bolstered by its association with over 40 professional soccer teams in England and Scotland, and its role as the Sports Nutrition Partner to Manchester United FC.

  • Commitment to Safety: SiS ensures the safety and compliance of its products through external validation by LGC, the laboratory behind Informed Sport, making it a trusted choice for athletes worldwide.

    A Partnership Rooted in Performance and Trust

    Essendon Football Club Embraces SiS

  • A New Era for the Bombers: Essendon CEO Xavier Campbell expresses excitement about the partnership, foreseeing SiS's contribution to the team's performance and overall athletic programme.

  • Aligning with Excellence: The collaboration is seen as a natural fit, given SiS's extensive experience in supporting top-tier athletes and sports teams.

    SiS and Essendon: Fueling Athletic Success

    Elevating Performance with Science

  • Enhanced Athletic Support: This partnership is set to provide the Bombers with cutting-edge nutritional support, aiding in their quest for peak performance and success.

  • Engaging the Community: The collaboration also promises exciting opportunities for the team's fan base, including exclusive product offerings and promotions.

    “We are delighted to announce our partnership with the Essendon Football Club”, said Shannon Cramer, General Manager at BikeSportz Imports, the official Australian distributor of SiS. “SiS’ nutrition products are well-trusted by professional athletes across the world. We look forward to a long-lasting partnership that will benefit both the team and its member base, through product offerings and various promotions of the sponsoring brands”.

    Essendon CEO Xavier Campbell welcomed SiS to the red and black family.

    “It is exciting to announce our new partnership with SiS and we look forward to them fueling the Bombers for at least the next three years,” Campbell said.

    Science in Sport (SiS) is a respected company, through their extensive partnerships with over 150 professional soccer clubs in the United Kingdom and their support of high performing athletes, so there is a very strong and natural alignment with our football program.”

    Ready to fuel yourself with Science in Sport nutrition?

    Explore the Science in Sport range today. Join the ranks of elite athletes and teams like the Essendon Football Club who trust Science in Sport for their nutritional needs. Experience the power of expertly formulated products, all #fuelledbyscience, and elevate your performance to new heights.